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Warehouse Wizard for HOPI (EN)

HOPI is a Czech company offering comprehensive logistics services. It is a market leader in the field. Their core business is warehousing and transport in all temperature regimes. Recently, they have been investing in new warehouse space, and are therefore solving the problems of how to efficiently lay out the warehouse to maximize the use of space and maximize the profit from each m2. Until recently, this layout was created by a specialist on whose skills the company depended. With our solution, this dependency was removed. We are gradually developing new modules and functionalities and the whole system is being expanded.

Dobrý Skutek Website Mockup

The client wanted to create a new, more modern website

Designed to fit the year 2022, this change came after 12 years of using the old website, which had become outdated and unmodifiable. The primary requirement was a fully functional fundraising system that allows seamless client acquisition, order creation, payment processing, bank integration, and purchasing goods and services for clients with the funds raised.

Added value

  • Streamlined user experience
    for order creation, reducing steps and information needed from donors
  • New responsive website
  • Enhanced administration features
    adding previously missing functionalities
  • Zero server costs
    using Azure credits from Microsoft for a non-profit organization


  • Simplification of website UX
    reducing steps in the donor's fundraising flow
  • Data migration and transformation
    (MySQL > MS SQL)
  • Integration of Comgate payment gateway
  • Fio Bank API integration
  • Utilization of free Azure credits
    for a non-profit organization


Azure, MS SQL, JS, TypeScript, ASP.NET, Angular.js, ASP.NET Zero template, HTML


  • Client
    Dobrý Skutek
  • Launch
    July 2023

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