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Tedom Power Market

A web-based administration for energy sales that allows clients to purchase energy, view consumption data, and access real-time market prices.

Tedom Power Market Mockup

TEDOM: Powering Energy Sales with Web-Based Solutions

Over 25 years, TEDOM has grown into an international company with over 500 employees, specializing in CHP units with in-house manufactured engines. With over 4,500 units installed, TEDOM is a leader in global energy solutions.

Our project aimed to create a user-friendly web-based administration for energy sales targeted at medium and large clients. The system includes reporting for ongoing monitoring and usage analytics. It provides multiple screens for CRUD data management, authentication, and complex functionalities like report graphs, order creation, and an interface for order confirmation.

Added value

  • A new, streamlined way for TEDOM clients to purchase energy
    via web-based administration
  • Market price overview
  • Option to purchase energy and view data on usage and costs
  • Cost-efficient for clients
    with rapid ROI through the new interface


  • Customer needs and user workflow analysis
  • Specification of high-value screens and functionalities
    for customer benefit
  • Integration with existing APIs and third-party backend
  • Working without sufficient backend documentation
  • Obtaining access permissions through multiple firewalls


Azure, Vue.js, JS, TypeScript, ASP.NET, Metronic design template


  • Client
  • Launch
    September 2022

Ready to Innovate Your Energy Sales Platform?

Contact us to develop a customized, efficient web solution for your energy management needs.

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